Friday, November 12, 2010

A Quickie

I'm pretty sure that by now I don't need to say that we're not interested in biologically procreating, but I will just for fun, but also because it is relevant.

I absotively LOVE this woman and read her blog daily. I would use another word to describe my feelings, but I really would love to make friends with her in real life and sit and drink coffee or tea while her children run around us in a blur and she cried to me about her life. Because I know that she would then allow me to cry about mine, and we would hug it out, and then do something so much less demanding. Basically a lot like my relationship with Rae, except that Rae and I had very different childhoods, and she only has two kids. I digress.

That woman I'm in love with linked to another dear lady's blog, and I got sucked into the surprises that come with giving birth and choosing to love whatever comes out of that 9 month(approx. I know it's longer) oven. I do want to know. Of course I do. My husband is SEX all the time, and I was one adorable kid, so I am curious. Who's not? I'm pretty sure everyone wants to know what a child of theirs would look like, I'm just not going to follow that curiosity.

But I do want to know. And I know that by deciding against having children biologically we are sacrificing that opportunity. However-I know that we will eventually grow past the child-ban en la chez Rowlett, and we will adopt...and those kids-they're so mine they won't know what hit em'.

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