Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Back again. I've needed to write lately and had nowhere to do it. So I've decided to reopen this space. So much in my life has changed, so many things inside have grown, so many loves gained and a few of them lost. I finally let go some of the things that had been holding me in a pattern of self-pity. I'm a graduate student, something that still makes me blush and smile when it comes out of my mouth. I have a hard time telling people because I'm sure that one of them will call me out and tell the world what an undeserving fake I am. That I'm not intelligent enough to be in the program. That I'll fail. But they don't. Andrew just laughs at me when I say such things. Life is actually good. And I don't mean manic highs and depressive lows riding on that wave, kind of good. Stabilized, thorough, and liberating good. I have waited and worked for a long time for this moment. I just hope it lasts.