Saturday, July 31, 2010

No poo is so awesome I'm not even going to post about it because it is no longer an experiment and just a choice that we make in my house :)

Today we started the discussion of ending all these contraceptive games and just having my tubes tied. I'm gung ho. Andrew said it would be wise to think about it for a second.

Along with a need to inflict pain right now(and I haven't quite figured this one idea. Things are good with my mom, which is generally the cause. My marriage rocks, school is good, friendships are what they always are-ever changing. I'm stumped)I am ITCHING to get another tattoo. Our wallet is also STRAINING to gather the monies together for Belize so we can immediately pay off the balance on our card once the charge is made. Regardless, I now have an idea for a back MURAL....but below my dress line so it would just be mostly for Andrew and I to see...and a few cute and subtle birdy silhouettes on my shoulder. We shall see...

Margo is really sick. I don't really want to talk about it. While the thought has crossed my mind, my need for self-mutilation did present itself before Margo was rushed to the ER on Tuesday. She is at home now and recovering, but still weak and her life is irrevocably changed.

Have I mentioned that I love my husband? I could write a novel(and someday I just might) about how wonderful and amazing he is. I did want to poop on his pillow tonight during a little tussle we had this afternoon....but it passed along with my anger. Maybe after his friends go home we can make up.

I want to write more. Not blog writing, but the kind of writing I wouldn't be ashamed to send somewhere for someone to judge and possibly pay me for(in 9 million years). Trouble is, figuring out what to write about. There's so many unwrittens in my head that I have a hard time sorting through them and placing them appropriately with their plots, climaxes, and epilogues. We'll see how it all goes. If I become rich and pseudo-famous: Don't ask me for money. I'll probably give it to you and that just wouldn't be very nice of you.

I love Portland in the summer. It makes me forget what a mess it is all year.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 4 No Poo

So I washed my hair last night with the baking soda/cider vinegar process....My hair feels AMAZING!!! My head itches a tiny bit, but I think I just let the baking soda sit for too long. My hair doesn't smell-Andrew was shocked. Especially considering the conditioning agent is vinegar...

Applying to New Seasons(you know, because I'm such a hippie now) because it is literally like 6 minutes from my house, starts at 10.00 an hour, and I've heard that part-timers get benefits. This could basically be the coolest thing ever. We'll see how it all goes, my fingers are definitely crossed.

Anywho, need to go study. Have an exam tomorrow in my political science class, and my final receptive exam for my ASL class...which I don't think I'm ready for. Agh.

Friday, July 16, 2010

After a two minute convo with Rae....

I have decided to go shampoo free. Yes. Really. It's been two days, but whenever I say it out loud it does freak me out. I mean, I'm the girl who will spend over $130.00 getting her hair done, and not even bat an eyelash at a $70.00 TRIM....I buy $20.00 HAIRSPRAY and to begin to discuss the amount of money I have spent trying to find the right shampoo and conditioner would be absolutely horrifying. So I won't.

Regardless, I'm quitting shampoo. I've read extensively now online, and am extremely excited to see what happens. It's summer anyway, if it sucks, nobody will really notice. I wear my hair in braids constantly now anyway.

I do however, oddly, feel cleaner. Like I'm committing to something that is better for me, and our septic tank. Then again, it could be the fact that because my husband is a STUD and got me a commercial-grade Schwinn spin bike(retail: approx. $3800.00....for FREE!!! He works at a place, begged some people shamelessly for 6 months, made my dream come true.)and the working out makes me happier in general, but I feel better. I'm more aware of when I get "full" and I'm simply elated to be alive. *Sunshine is very obviously good for me*

So here I am, day two of nopoo and my hair is doing pretty well. I am still using conditioner, but will wean that out in a week or so and switch to solely cider vinegar and baking soda. I'll keep you posted, don't worry ;)