Monday, August 23, 2010

Avoiding Cleaning All Day Long

My amazing husband had a week between jobs last week, that he intentionally created might I add, just so that he could get stuff done around the house. He weeded, sawed limbs, mowed, pressure washed, burned, sweated, and even did ALL OF THE LAUNDRY.....if you have been to my house in the past, oh, since we got married-you know this is a major feat. He is unstoppable.

In repayment lest I be the worst wife in history because my husband literally does everything, I am to attack the duty of cleaning the entire house today. Bleck. I hate housework. I promise you, I would really hire someone to do it. I would pay them a lot more than minimum wage, so that they would actually be getting a fair wage for their service, but I sure as heck would pay someone.

School is donezo and I got a 3.36 for this term....mildly disappointing as I was really hoping that I my ASL class would be an easy A/GPA booster, unfortunately I signed the wrong sign repetitively in my final expressive exam=B.

I'm very honestly hoping I can take these last two weeks before Belize to spend a lot of time alone. Let my brain rest. I'll see people when I get back, but until then I'd REALLY just like to do a whole lot of nothing.

After I clean the house that is.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vegan Consideration

It's healthy. It's healthy. It's healthy. It's been said to be the best decision anyone can make for their family due to the health benefits. Lower chance of cancer, obesity(and therefore diabetes among other things), and depression.

Andrew's aunt Bev had cancer 5 times before her doctor put her on a vegan diet. Since then, she's been cancer free. Not a coincidence.

So I'm thinking about it. It would be a HUGE change though so I'm not jumping into anything, but I'm very seriously leaning towards yes.

In other news: summer term is over and it feels so gooooood! Each term I get closer to graduating I feel more and more that I am in fact accomplishing something even though it feels eternal. I'm only 23, but considering the rest of my friends are now working on getting into grad school, my measly little Bachelors seems pretty insignificant. I also know though that all of those people either had their college paid for by their parents, or lived/live at home. They were not wards of the state, they do not come from the same background, they did not work at a multinational corporation before returning to school, and even with their degrees I made more money than most of them are currently at age 20. I also married the most amazing man on the planet who loves me even when it's hard.

So I don't feel so bad. At least I'm not uneducated and popping out a bunch of kids, doomed to a life of bitterness and anger at other people's success. The main ending point for most people with my background.

Belize is in less than three weeks!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!

Also, currently in love with Rae. Seriously. Her family is amazing, despite their humanity, and I appreciate that she is so close. It is going to seriously suck balls when she moves back to no po.

The end.