Sunday, May 30, 2010


So I went to take three and a half hours of testing on Thursday, and afterwards the audiologist said that I still need to go back and get a proper diagnosis from my doctor, but that he'll most definitely put me on a low-sodium diet. That I have fluid retention in my ear and that I'll probably also be put on a diuretic. Finally there is an actual answer/reason for my hearing loss, dizziness, nausea(which after seeing the doctors I now know is actual, fogginess, and confusion in public.

*Julie-one of the questions I actually had to answer on the pre-appointment survey was: Do you feel dizzy in malls/grocery stores? I was SO EXCITED because now I know that when I fell down the stairs at the mall that one time it wasn't because I'm retardedly clumsy-I've got a

When I got home I started searching low-sodium diets, and came upon the only disease that has all of my symptoms with a low-sodium diet order: Meniere's Disease. I still need to have the MRI before it is definitive, but my doctor had told me the first day that he was almost positive I was going to need one I go in to see him sometime this week or next, and move forward.

It's really no big deal, it can be managed. And I'm already learning sign language ;) Andrew always tells me I'm a fatalist when I say that, but he recognizes it's a big enough deal that he's going to start taking ASL again in the

I do find comfort in the fact that I'm not a total bitch. Here's why: When I get overwhelmed in social situations, can't socially function in loud environments, get extremely fatigued quickly when I'm around others-it's not because I'm a terrible person-my body is freaking out. If I talk to you anytime soon and you ask me about it, I'll explain the science behind it, but that would take forever to type and I already look like my great aunt Jeannie with the medical rundown here so....

I wikied Meniere's for you in case you were curious:énière's_disease


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am so very nervous. Today I send out my application for the Child and Family Studies/Social Work program.

While I know that I am an ideal candidate, I am still wary of my essay capabilities, scared that I screwed up on the actual application part. Afraid that even though my references said they had so much more to say and could add an additional letter to the "rec form," that I told them not to worry about it because the program contact sounded so casual.

I'm also nervous because if I get it-it is all actually happening. Like I'll actually finally be a Junior this fall, and starting my double major. There can be talking until the sun falls out of the sky, but it is scary when you have to start putting your money where your mouth is. I also hate waiting. I wish it were as simple as receiving my application, reading it, and then sending me an email saying "you're in!!!!" Instead I'll have to wait for a while. A long while.

Also looked at the information for Americorps. Once again though I am met with the thought that if I am going to do something like that, an underappreciated job with little resources, I might as well just get paid fully. I'll have the degrees to do so when this undergraduate is done....

ALSO-one of the women in my home community works for the Child and Family Services division for the state...or something like that....and she told me that as soon as I want an internship with the state, she'll have one waiting! Which is kind of baller if you ask me.

Anyway, I need to do my statistics homework and go to the post office to mail that packet and water the plant and clean the house and get ready for HC tonight. So I should get started.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Something Old, but still something New

I sometimes just want to start a new blog, one that is solely and completely about the few things I'm passionate about:

In no particular order
-gay rights
-tattoos...oh how funny that I even list this
-Portland, OR(as if the above did not make that boldly apparent)
-holding the hurting

I found my life verse last night-yes-I used that ever so catchy Christian phrase "life verse" as if though I will connect deeply with only one verse in my lifetime and use it as the cornerstone for all actions...which I would mock incessantly if I had not come across this last night....I was reading Proverbs 31 and pondering the impossibility of such a woman, and if she did exist you would not want to know her-why? Because she doesn't have time to love anyone. She cannot build relationships with people because she's running all over the place establishing her business and making clothes for her family. She is impossible. I also appreciated the fact that she somehow managed to simultaneously maintain this successful financial venture while waking up at the wee hours of the morning to tend to her family....and they praise her, oh boy do they ever, cause if I were her-I'd expect a freaking national holiday. You also have to imagine you are one of this woman's children, or even worse-her husband. How often would she forget to pick you up after school because she was doing, oh I don't know, a million billion other things. How often would the two of you get a moment together to focus on your marriage?...I know a few women who are like this, and I promise you-sometimes I think God would prefer for them to rest a moment and just breathe. Breathe love on everyone around them instead of running around like a chicken with her head cut off trying to prove to the world she's so Godly.

I digress-I was pondering the sheer insanity of the fact that millions of God loving women in this world aspire to this very burnt out woman's status when I came across the verse right before it:

Proverbs 31:8-9

"Open your mouth on behalf of the those unable to speak, for the legal rights of all the dying. Open your mouth, judge in righteousness, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

"Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes, speak up for the poor and the helpless, and see that they get justice."

Andrew was being such an awesome lover husband when I walked in the door last night after class, cooking dinner, and he set down the spatula in his hand when I read that verse and said "that's totally you."

So at least I'm not just a loud mouthed bitch who is running around with no aim, trying to speak for those who have no homes, no family, nobody to love, no rights, no hope. I find comfort in that. Even though I make 100% of the people I speak to about any of the things God has placed on my heart uncomfortable, regardless of how politically correct I am when I say them, I know that there is no shame in my game.

Slam Dunk. Also-I'm sure there will only be about 700,000 people who will be offended by this. I apologize ahead of time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Today while sitting in statistics class and learning about the possibility of genetically passing on a disease to children, I realized something very large and monumentally impact full in my life:

I have been feeling those tugs lately. Not uterus tugs like most women, where a baby is imminent in the future, but just motherhood tugs. We are going to start hosting our home community in a week, and so have begun cleaning the house and getting rid of things, making room for the change. I FINALLY cleaned the spare room/closet room and now it resembles something other than a tornado struck pit of despair. When I look into that room with the blinds open, the floor gleaming, and the bed and table set up-I see a bedroom for my future child. As camp approaches(and if I have your address I will be sending you a letter asking for No worries if you can't.) we have been going to training. Yet again Andrew is not sure if he'll be able to go, but like last year I keep reminding him that God is bigger than we are, and if He wants Andrew at camp, Andrew will be at camp. So he has been going to training with me. Listening to the facts all over again, being reminded of the depravity surrounding these children all over again, makes me want to quit my life plan and adopt 100 of them.

My wonderfully wise husband however frequently reminds me to be patient. So I try. But in class this morning as I could feel God working in my heart, on my heart, preparing me for what is to come He told me this earth shaking truth-if we are going to adopt an older child in a few years, our child, our baby, our family-has already been born. Is living right now in a world and a situation that is painful, scary, damaging, and lonely. I realized that I need to start now praying for them. Praying protection over them, praying for strength for them, praying that when the time comes for them to come home with us that they will have a heart open to being loved.

So I'm asking you to pray for them as well, my little fragile child. I know with conviction that they are already out there, experiencing the hardships that will bring them to me. Which I know sounds terrible, and if there were a way to avoid the hard part I would-but I can only do good with what satan will destroy, and I can only shed light where there has been darkness as God's hands...I know that there is something far larger than I will ever begin to comprehend happening in this, and so I just pray and wait until the moment when I know. So please please pray with me, just as I hope that someone was praying for me when I was alone.

Aside from that everything else is small couch hunting, HC moving to our house, and Cirque de Soleil this week are all happening, but nothing is as significant as this revelation.
