*Julie-one of the questions I actually had to answer on the pre-appointment survey was: Do you feel dizzy in malls/grocery stores? I was SO EXCITED because now I know that when I fell down the stairs at the mall that one time it wasn't because I'm retardedly clumsy-I've got a disease...lol.
When I got home I started searching low-sodium diets, and came upon the only disease that has all of my symptoms with a low-sodium diet order: Meniere's Disease. I still need to have the MRI before it is definitive, but my doctor had told me the first day that he was almost positive I was going to need one anyway...so I go in to see him sometime this week or next, and move forward.
It's really no big deal, it can be managed. And I'm already learning sign language ;) Andrew always tells me I'm a fatalist when I say that, but he recognizes it's a big enough deal that he's going to start taking ASL again in the Fall....lol.
I do find comfort in the fact that I'm not a total bitch. Here's why: When I get overwhelmed in social situations, can't socially function in loud environments, get extremely fatigued quickly when I'm around others-it's not because I'm a terrible person-my body is freaking out. If I talk to you anytime soon and you ask me about it, I'll explain the science behind it, but that would take forever to type and I already look like my great aunt Jeannie with the medical rundown here so....
I wikied Meniere's for you in case you were curious: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ménière's_disease
Wait, what?? I thought it was a side effect of your implant? You did get that taken out, right?
Wow! I hope all turns out well with the MRI. Is it scheduled? (I'll read back over it.) Yes, Debbie Downer, listen to your Beloved, you'll be FINE!!
Lol-yes Julie I had it taken out. But it turns out Andrew was right and it had nothing to do with my IUD.
I know I'll be fine regardless, whatever it is can be managed, it's just a change. I still haven't heard from the doctor yet because the results from my testing have to go to the neurosurgeon first, and then he receives them. With the holiday Monday he probably hasn't even received them yet. I'll keep you posted.
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